Guidelines and Safety Protocols


Guidelines and Safety Protocols for In-Person Church Services

The Arizona Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists has provided Worship Service Guidelines for the reopening of churches in Arizona. These guidelines and requirements were sent out to all the churches prior to May 16, 2020; These recommendations have been proposed to minimize social contact and to prevent, as far as possible, any potential contraction of Covid-19.

The safety guidelines of the Phoenix Central Church are in harmony with the safety protocols put in place by the AZ Conference and we ask that those who attend worship services follow these guidelines for the safety of all.

Practicing these safety protocols will give our Worship services a very different feel and it is our belief that all who attend will receive a rich blessing. For the present, please consider these protocols an indefinite part of our Worship services until circumstances dictate otherwise.

 Phoenix Central Church will be open for Worship Services Only Beginning on Sabbath June 6, 2020

We look forward to Worshiping with you, our brothers and sisters in Christ, to come together as One Body giving Praise and Glorify to our Lord, our Savior and our Creator.

As you enter the doors of Phoenix Central, your temperature will be checked utilizing a hand held thermometer (no physical contact) for the Safety of everyone. A fever may indicate that you need medical attention, and you will be asked to follow Arizona Conference guidelines and Not attend Any In-Person Worship Service. Bear in Mind, that these Guidelines were put in place to protect all those who choose to attend an In-Person-Worship-Service.

Church Worship Services attendance is Voluntary. Attend if you feel the environment is safe. If you are ill, Please Stay home.

The Phoenix Central Church will be open for Worship Services ONLY. All other services and functions held at the church have been suspended and will remain so until further notice;

  • Contact Savannah Neal Regarding Youth/Young Adult Sabbath School Classes using Zoom;
  • Pray Meeting, the Study on Revelation and the Adult Sabbath School Class are available to all using Free Telephone Conference Calls. Contact Norm or Dolly Johnson for details.

Safety Protocols…………………………………………………………………………….Page 2

Sabbath Worship Services…………………………………………………………..Page 3


Physical Contact — Please refrain from physical contact with others, shaking hands, hugging, etc. at all times, maintaining proper distances protocols. We ask all who attend to respect the 6-foot social distance guidelines.

Sanctuary Seating

  • You may be seated in a row of chairs that is NOT Marked “OFF LIMITS.”
  • Every other row Must be left empty to allow for the proper social distancing.
  • The optional children’s program hosted by Cecilia and Dwayne in the primary room during Worship Service Will Not be Children are to remain with their parents at all times.
  • Families with children are encouraged to attend service and may sit together as a unit. Others may sit in that same row with adequate space between family groups.
  • Chairs along the sides and back of the sanctuary will be available for seating. We simply ask that you observe the proper social distancing guidelines.

Greeters and Bulletins — Greeters will be present in the foyer to welcome you and will maintain 6-foot social distance guidelines; they are instructed Not to shake hands as they welcome you to the church. There will be No bulletin until further notice.

Sanitizing — Doorknobs and handles, sink faucets, countertops, etc. will be wiped periodically throughout Sabbath morning. The church is cleaned and will be sanitized before each Sabbath Services. When using the restrooms, please wash your hands with soap and water after usage. With the paper towel you use to dry your hands, use it to open the door before exiting, then throw it away. Hand sanitizers are available in all bathrooms and the foyer (do not remove them). Hand sanitizer will be available as you enter and exit the building.

Public Etiquette — When coughing or sneezing, please do so with your mouth/face covered & away from people. Use the inside of your arm at the bend of the elbow to cough/sneeze into.

Food — There will be no food, potlucks or social gatherings at the church until further notice.

Masks — If you have face mask please wear it. The Church has a limited supply available. Although not mandatory, the Arizona Conference strongly recommend all wear a mask.

Illness, Symptoms — If you have been sick or exhibit any flu-like symptoms (flu, cough, fever, etc.) please Stay at home. People who have been exposed to areas with potential COVID-19 contamination should stay home and quarantine themselves.

Water Fountain — The fellowship hall water fountain has been disconnected. All are encouraged to bring a water bottle/thermos from home. Bottled water available upon request.

Hymnals — Hymnals have been removed from the Sanctuary. During worship service, lyrics for the hymns will be on the screens at the front of the sanctuary.

Worship Service

Worship Service begins at 11:00 am. Worship service will be recorded weekly and uploaded to the Phoenix Central web page for viewing after the worship service has concluded.

The church Web Address is:

  • Doors will open 10 minutes prior to the start of the 11:00 am Worship Service.
  • No meet and greet time — We will have a simple welcome from the platform by our worship Leader or the Pastor.
  • Tithe and Offerings — Tithes and Offering will be collected by the deacons. They will be wearing face masks and gloves for your protection utilizing the rows marked “OFF LIMITS.” The deacons will bring the offering bag to you, so you can drop your envelopes into it. You will not be asked to take the bag, handle it or pass it on.
  • Song Service may be shortened. The hymnals have been removed from the Sanctuary for the protection of those attending. Words for the music will be on the screen.
  • Prayer — Remain at your seat, members and guests will Not be invited to come forward.
  • Worship dismissal will still be conducted by our deacons. You are encouraged to go directly to your vehicles and please do not congregate in the foyer.
  • Until further notice, the pastor will not greet you as you exit the church.
  • The elements of the worship (including the order of service) will be altered as necessary to create the best Worship Experience possible.

THANK You for your cooperation and your patience!